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Julian Barnes Hm, hé, ha: kunst en woorden
Deze tweetalige uitgave ‘Hm, hé, ha: Kunst en woorden’ bevat de prikkelende tekst die Julian Barnes uitsprak ter gelegenheid van de tweede Joost Zwagerman Lezing in november 2019 te Alkmaar. We lijken niet in staat schilderijen te bekijken zonder erop los te leuteren. Waarom hebben we niet genoeg aan de schilderijen? En waarom verwachten we dat de kunstenaars zelf zo behulpzaam zijn hun eigen prestaties te verwoorden? Of dat critici dat voor hen doen? Woorden zijn niet altijd vrienden van de kunst.’...
Nederlands | Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2) | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2019
Liesbet Slegers The farmer
Op de boerderij valt veel te zien: de boer verzorgt de dieren, rijdt op de tractor en plukt peren. Welke groenten verbouwt de boer en welke dieren leven op de boerderij? Vierkant hardkartonnen prentenboek met vrolijke, grof geschilderde tekeningen en grote flappen. Vanaf ca. 1,5 jaar.
Engels | 12 pagina's | Clavis toddler, New York | 2020
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Jackie Azúa Kramer | Lisa Brandenburg That's for babies
Als Prunella jarig is, besluit ze dat ze nu echt groot is geworden. Te groot voor haar lievelingspop Polly, voor hartjespannenkoeken, liedjes zingen en zelfs voor kinderijsjes. Maar als het ’s nachts gaat onweren, haalt ze Polly gauw tevoorschijn. Want Polly is vast bang, toch? Prentenboek met expressieve kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Engels | 28 pagina's | Clavis, New York | 2019
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Hal Schrieve Out of Salem
De genderneutrale Z (14) is een zombie geworden. Haar familie is bij een auto-ongeluk omgekomen. Z probeert op school te overleven. Samen met weerwolf Aysel trotseert Z de groeiende monsterhaat in Salem. Beiden worstelen ze met hun identiteit. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 443 pagina's | Seven Stories Press, New York | 2019
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Margje Woodrow Fake trip
Fake it till you make it. While everyone is hoping to relax on the beach and secretly explore the nightlife on their four-day school trip to Barcelona, the schedule, unfortunately, includes a number of mandatory excursions. When a horrible accident happens in the Sagrada Familia, secrets are exposed at a dizzying pace. Gruesome details are spread via social media, but what is real and what is fake? Are Demi and Billy able to stop this disaster? Or will there be even more victims? Bron: Flaptekst,...
Engels | 229 pagina's (ePub2, 5,5 MB) | Uitgeverij De Fontein Jeugd, Utrecht | 2023
Henny Bos If criticism hurts
(or a blessing in disguise)
We all get criticized. That's part of life. Parents, partners, friends, haters, strangers, they all have an opinion on what you do, what you don't do, and what you should do. But if the critique hurts and leads to anger or sadness, it means you are a victim of two unexpected enemies: your ego and your inner critic. If you want to be free from the pain of judgment, you need to say goodbye to your ego and welcome your true Self, the authentic and unique person that you are. Henny Bos links personal...
Engels | 69 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Boekenbent, Barneveld | 2020
John Milton John Milton, Epistolarum familiarium liber unus and Uncollected letters
John Milton holds an impressive place within the rich tradition of neo-Latin epistolography. His Epistolae Familiares and uncollected letters paint an invigorating portrait of the artist as a young man, offering insight into his reading programme, his views on education, friendship, poetry, his relations with continental literati, his blindness, and his role as Latin Secretary. This edition presents a modernised Latin text and a facing English translation, complemented by a detailed introduction...
Latijn | Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Matthew G. Stanard The leopard, the lion, and the cock
colonial memories and monuments in Belgium
The degree to which the late colonial era affected Europe has been long underappreciated, and only recently have European countries started to acknowledge not having come to terms with decolonisation. In Belgium, the past two decades have witnessed a growing awareness of the controversial episodes in the country's colonial past. This volume examines the long-term effects and legacies of the colonial era on Belgium after 1960, the year the Congo gained its independence, and calls into question memories...
Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Orpheus Institute Voices, bodies, practices
performing musical subjectivities
Identity and subjectivity in musical performances. Who is the "I" that performs? The arts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have pushed us relentlessly to reconsider our notions of the self, expression, and communication: to ask ourselves, again and again, who we think we are and how we can speak meaningfully to one another. Although in other performing arts studies, especially of theatre, the performance of selfhood and identity continues to be a matter of lively debate in both practice...
Engels | PDF, 31 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Orpheus Institute Sensorial aesthetics in music practices
The Western history of aesthetics is characterised by tension between theory and practice. Musicians listen, play, and then listen more profoundly in order to play differently, adapt the body, and sense the environment. They become deeply involved in the sensorial qualities of music practice. Artistic practice refers to the original meaning of aesthetics-the senses. Whereas Baumgarten and Goethe explored the relationship between sensibility and reason, sensation and thinking, later philosophers of...
Engels | PDF, 24 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Kayo Matsushita When news travels east
translation practices by Japanese newspapers
Journalism and unique translation practices by Japanese media today International news stories provided to the public basically rely on translation. Most of this translation is done not by translators, but by journalists with practically no training in translation. What happens when the norms of journalism and those of translation clash? In this book, the author, a trained conference interpreter and former international journalist, investigates translator decisions in the practice of Japanese news...
Engels | PDF, 3,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Radicalisation
a marginal phenomenon or a mirror to society?
Radicalisation is a topical and a much-discussed concept in current European societies. Its use in policy and societal discourses, such as media coverage and educational contexts, is very sensitive. This thought-provoking collection of essays critically addresses the topic of radicalisation from different angles, combining discipline-specific insights from the fields of sociology, philosophy, history, religious studies, and media studies, with new empirical data. The authors step away from readily...
Engels | PDF, 2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
CIVITAS, Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy Christian democracy and the fall of communism
The role of Christian Democracy in the collapse of the Communist Bloc. Debates on the role of Christian Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe too often remain strongly tied to national historiographies. With the edited collection the contributing authors aim to reconstruct Christian Democracy's role in the fall of Communism from a bird's-eye perspective by covering the entire region and by taking "third-way" options in the broader political imaginary of late-Cold War Europe into account. The book's...
Engels | PDF, 3,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Sarah Gensburger Memory on my doorstep
chronicles of the Bataclan neighborhood, Paris 2015-2016
In-depth case study of memorialisation processes after the November 2015 Paris attacks. On November 13, 2015, three gunmen opened fire in the Bataclan concert hall at 50 Boulevard Voltaire in Paris and subsequently held the venue under a three-hour siege. This was the largest in a series of coordinated terrorist attacks that eventually killed 130 people and injured 500. During the aftermath of these attacks, expressions of mourning and trauma marked and invariably transformed the urban landscape....
Engels | PDF, 17 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Alexander De Croo The Age of Women
Why Feminism also Liberates Men
The future is now-and it is female. Women and women's rights are the key to progress. We believe in the West that we have already solved gender issues; it is the rest of the world that still has a problem. Nothing could be further from the truth! We have to do better. Through his work as Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Minister of International Development, Alexander De Croo has discovered that the role of women worldwide is filled with too little opportunity and too much bias. In this book, he...
Engels | 104 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | ASP - Academic and Scientific Publishers, Brussel | 2019
Roeland Goorts War, state and society in Liège
how a small state of the Holy Roman Empire survived the Nine Year's War (1688-1697)
Small power diplomacy in seventeenth century Europe. War, State and Society in Liège is a fascinating case study of the consequences of war in the Prince-Bishopric of Liège and touches upon wider issues in early modern history, such as small power diplomacy in the seventeenth century and during the Nine Years' War. For centuries, the small semi-independent Holy Roman Principality of Liège succeeded in preserving a non-belligerent role in European conflicts. During the Nine Years' War (1688-1697),...
Engels | PDF, 5,6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
The survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850
In 1773, Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus. For the 823 Jesuits living in the Low Countries, it meant the end of their institutional religious life. In the Austrian Netherlands, the Jesuits were put under strict surveillance, but in the Dutch Republic they were able to continue their missionary work. It is this regional contrast and the opportunities it offered for the Order to survive that make the Low Countries an exceptional and interesting case in Jesuit history. Just as in White...
Engels | PDF, 8,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Eunice Anita Who am I?
assisting professionals regaining inner joy and peace
The ideal image of an professional: determined, pro-active, strong and always busy. The reality of the professional: Strong on the outside yet the inner man is in need of much assistance. This book contains information to help you, the professional, to reflect on the question who you really are and how you are taking care of your inner man. Dare to ask yourself the question: Who am I? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 32 pagina's (ePub2, 5 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2019
Eunice Anita What kind of leader am I?
assisting leaders in rediscovering how leadership is meant to be
Being in charge means not only bearing responsibilities but also having the opportunity to set the course for the sail of the 'ship'. Usually, at the start of the journey as a leader, one is sharp on one's own way of operating and communicating. When time passes by, and circumstances, disappointments, and unexpected situations come along, things might change a lot. Do you still remember what the essence and joy of being a leader is? This booklet is to assist you in (re)discovering how to lead the...
Engels | 60 pagina's (ePub2, 7,1 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2019
Duvilène Pieter | Eunice Anita Can I achieve more in life?
assisting men and women rediscover their purpose in life
A general feeling we all have is that of achieving more in life. Sometimes it is driven by what we see around us and at times it is just a hunger to prove that one can do far more than others see or perceive. Could there be another, a more profound reason for wanting to achieve more in life? Discovering or rediscovering one's purpose in life is the answer that brings fulfillment to the drive of wanting to achieve more in life in the spirit, body and soul of man. This booklet will inspire you and...
Engels | 56 pagina's (ePub2, 4,6 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2019