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Karen Wallace Chief Thunderstruck and the big bad bear
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, TheGoose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble family witha difference.In the final book of the quartet, a message reaches Goose PimpleBay that Chief Thunderstruck is introuble. He's been trapped in a cave on an ice flow by a fiercepolar bear, who has a nasty glint in his eye when he looks at ChiefThunderstruck's bearskin coat. Together Whiff Erik, Spike Carbuncle andFangtrudesail off to therescue. But it's up to...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,3 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace The honourable Ratts
"The Honourable Ratts are a distinguished family whose ancestorsappeared at a time when witches were commonplace and giants roamed theland. They built their ancestral home, Clawfoot Hall, and they begancollecting the Great Ratt Hoard - that is, any and every item of goldthey could lay their hands on.At the time of this story, the Ratts are diminished in size and statureand now live under the floorboards of Clawfoot Hall. Then one day,everything changes. The ancient enemies of the Ratts have tracked...
Engels | 96 pagina's (3,1 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace King Cudgel's challenge
"Pity King Cudgel! His twin children - Prince Marvin the Meek and Princess Gusty Ox - fight all the time. And ever since his wife, Queen Carrion, disappeared after going out dragon hunting, no one has been able to stop them. As a last resort he devises a challenge for them with the help of Cackle the court magician. If the twins fail, King Cudgel will hand over the kingdom to their soppy cousin, Godric, the Geek - an unbearable thought! King Cudgel's Challenge follows the painful and hilarious process...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Ma Moosejaw means business
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling family with a difference.Book one introduces the two sons of Chief Thunderstruck and MaMoosejaw, Spike Carbuncle and Whiff Eric. Ma Moosejaw wants to leaveGoose Pimple Bay with her husband and travel north to see a white bear.But both sons are useless. Who willlook after things when they are gone? There's only one thing for it:the sons must each find a bride. Whoever...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Prince Marvin's great moment
"Poor Prince Marvin, the Meek! His twin sister, Princess Gusty Ox may bebuilt like a battle ship but Marvin has always been a bit...physicallyfeeble. It's not surprising his sister bullies him. But, when hisfather King Cudgel's best suits are ruined by mysterious globs of greengloop, things get even worse. It seems that Harry the Hairy Green Gianthas caught a cold and the King orders Prince Marvin to sort him out. IfPrince Marvin can cure the giant and prove himself, his sister won't beable to bully...
Engels | 64 pagina's (5 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Princess Gusty Ox's strange change
"Gusty Ox is not your typical princess. She's more interested in wrestling crocodiles and hunting dragons than in tiaras and princes. That is, until she looks into Crackel's magic mirror and decides things have got to change. But it isn't easy being a proper princess and things only get worse when her rival, Princess Lulu the Luscious, comes to stay. This is the third riotous romp in The Crunchbone Castle Chronicles."
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Spike Carbuncle and the truly enormous egg
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure,The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble familywith a difference.Spike Carbuncle is sick of being second in command to his weedybrother. So, when Spike's wife, Fangtrude, comes across a dragon's egg,together they formulate a plan to get rid of Whiff Erik, once and forall. There's just one hitch - dragon training isn't as easy as itsounds. What do you do when your dragon is terrible at breathing fireand prefers...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,6 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Whiff Erik and the great green thing
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling familywith a difference.In book two, Whiff Erik, now ruler of Goose Pimple Bay discovers hisbrother, Spike Carbuncle at sea. He's escaped from his wife's islandand he's taken a rare seed with him. Back at home, Whiff Erik plantsthe seed, but it's not long before a gigantic plan blots out the skyand a great green thing appears in the leaves. Oh dear, Whiff Erikknows...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Isobelle Carmody The farseekers
"Plans to rescue a powerful Misfit, it is foreseen by a futureteller that the fate of Obernewytn is inextricably bound up with their quest.Led by Elspeth, whose extraordinary powers set her apart from her Misfit friends, the expedition sets out on its danger-filled task."
Engels | 320 pagina's (2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Samantha Hay Billy Angel
"Plumbing. This is what the future has in store for Billy Box - to follow in the footsteps of generations of Boxes and spend his life with his arm down people's toilets. Or so he thinks... For when an angel appears on his 11th birthday, Billy's life suddenly takes an unexpected turn. His destiny is now to be a Guardian Angel and his first task is to protect Thelma Potts, the toughest girl in school. Billy soon finds himself caught up in a world of competitive pie eating, skeletons and magic, not...
Engels | 112 pagina's (3,1 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Samantha Hay The Spoon of Doom
"`It was never meant to feed the needy; but to serve up grief to the mean and greedy'Theunfortunately named Albert Grub (A. Grub) has parents who are obsessedby mini-beasts; there are insects in the fridge, woodlice living in thehall and spiders dwelling in the cupboard under the stairs. Buteverything changes one day when Albert discovers that his dad is heirto the factory of the legendary Piddler's Porridge. Why is the town's noodle King, and owner of the adjacent factory so keen to get his handson...
Engels | 112 pagina's (3,4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
E.D. Baker Tales of the frog princess
"Princess Emerelda is not exactly an ideal princess. Her laugh is like a foghorn, she's always tripping over the royal furniture, and she HATES Prince Jorge whom her mother would one day like to see her marry. But things are about to change as she finds the frog of her dreams - but when she kisses him SHE turns into a frog! Just one kiss, and her whole life turns upside down in these deliciously original, hilarious and fast-paced fairy-tale adventures.Dragon's Breath and Once Upon a Curse continue...
Engels | 768 pagina's (2,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The boy who cried horse
"1180 BC. Young Acheron is a liar. Everybody knows it. Troy is under siege and Acheron tells tales of Trojan bravery to entertain Prince Paris and the beautiful Helen at the palace. But when a stranger comes to the city to announce that the Greeks have departed, leaving a special gift of a wooden horse, Acheron is suspicious. He races to tell Prince Paris about the Greek plot, but will anyone at the palace believe him? Er, no, actually! As Aesop said, "There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,3 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The captive celt
"AD 51. Bran is a slave, a prisoner of Rome, but dreams of one dayreturning to his homeland, Britannia, to fight against the Romans. When the proud young slave is overheard criticizing Rome, he is thrown intoprison and faces execution the next day. Luckily, his cell mateCaratacus is a very special prisoner indeed - a British chief. Hebelieves he has a way to save both their skins, but he'll need Bran'shelp. A tale based on a key moment in Roman history, full of Terry Deary's dark humour and dry wit."
Engels | 64 pagina's (2,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The Grim Ghost
"AD 113. The young boy Pertinax helps his grandmother prepare a feast inPliny's household. As all the workers are busy in the kitchen, theyoung boy keeps Pliny company in the garden. He is told a story by thegreat Pliny himself. The tale is of a terrifying ghost that haunted agarden.But there's no truth in ghost stories ... or is there?"
Engels | 64 pagina's (3,2 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The tortoise and the dare
"750 BC. The boys at school are excited. The Olympic games are coming to the city. They may be too young to compete, but their teacher suggests the school should have its own games. Of course, girls have no part at all in these festivities, so Elena can only watch as her twin brother, Cypselis, prepares for the race. Then she discovers he has made a bet with Big Bacchiad (the school bully). If Cypselis wins he will get a new goat, if he loses then Elena will become Bacchiad's slave. Elena's freedom...
Engels | 64 pagina's (3,6 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The Goose Guards
"387 BC. Rome is under attack from the vicious Gauls and the barbarianarmy is now preparing to besiege the Temple of Juno on Capitol Hill,home of Brutus, a trainee priest. The temple's inhabitants are offeredhelp from the army of Lord Furius, but are not sure if he is to betrusted. However, when rescue eventually comes it is from an even moreunlikely source... A tale based on one of the most famous of all Roman legends, full of Terry Deary's dark humour and dry wit."
Engels | 64 pagina's (2,2 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Dominic Barker Blart
the boy who was wanted dead or alive - or both
"The four corners of the earth by a bloodthirsty army, they must locate their comrades from the original quest. Together they may stand a chance of proving that Capablanca's was an innocent mistake, by finding the answer to a great mystery - what exactly did they do with Zoltab? And how could they be so careless as to forget...And so begins another hilarious and unforgettable adventure (with pigs) and a brilliant cast of characters including newcomers Uther Slywort the merchant and sociopathic Baron...
Engels | 352 pagina's (2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Emerald Fennell Shiverton Hall
"They slowed as they reached the gate; two stone columns, each with its own crumbling angel perched on top. The angels held up a rusty, wrought-iron arch that read, in curling, serpentine letters: SHIVERTON HALL.Arthur Bannister has been unexpectedly accepted into Shiverton Hall, which, as it turns out, is an incredibly spooky school, full of surprises. And it is just as well that Shiverton Hall has made its offer, because Arthur had a horrible time at his previous school, and was desperate to leave....
Engels | 300 pagina's (3,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Dominic Barker Adam and the Arkonauts
"That a woman matching Adam's mother's description left a letter with authorities in a city on the other side of the world. Unknown to Adam and the Doctor, Scabelax has lured them to the city to complete his terrible plan for world domination. As the different elements of the plot converge, a spectacular finale awaits . . ."
Engels | 320 pagina's (0,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014