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Resultaat 41 - 54 (van 54)
Unfolding time
studies in temporality in twentieth century music
Questions concerning music and its inextricably intertwined and complex interface with time continue to fascinate musicians and scholars. For performers, the primary perception of music is arguably the way in which it unfolds in 'real time'; while for composers a work appears 'whole and entire', with the presence of the score having the potential to compress, and even eliminate, the perception of time as 'passing'. The paradoxical relationship between these two perspectives, and the subtle mediations...
Engels | 198 pagina's (PDF, 12 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Thomas Christensen Partimento and continuo playing in theory and in practice
This volume is a collection of essays based on lectures given at the International Orpheus Academy for Music Theory on 'Music and Theory: Thoroughbass in Practice, Theory, and Improvisation'. Hence the point of departure was not 'Music Theory' as such, but the interaction between music theory, music history, performance practice, aesthetics, and related sciences. This multidisciplinary approach, with the accent on the interplay between music performance and music theory, is reflected in the contributions...
Engels | 136 pagina's (PDF, 4,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Thomas Christensen Towards tonality
aspects of baroque music theory
This is a collection of essays based on lectures presented at the International Orpheus Academy for Music and Theory on "Historical Theory, Performance, and Meaning in Baroque Music". The often complex connections and intersections between, e.g., modal and tonal idioms, contrapuntal and harmonic organisation, were considered from various perspectives as to the transition (towards tonality) from the Renaissance to the Baroque era. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | Frans | 205 pagina's (PDF, 17 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Music, analysis, experience
new perspectives in musical semiotics
Transdisciplinary and intermedial analysis of the experience of music. Nowadays musical semiotics no longer ignores the fundamental challenges raised by cognitive sciences, ethology, or linguistics. Creation, action and experience play an increasing role in how we understand music, a sounding structure impinging upon our body, our mind, and the world we live in. Not discarding music as a closed system, an integral experience of music demands a transdisciplinary dialogue with other domains as well....
Engels | 356 pagina's (PDF, 5,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Barbara Titus Recognizing music as an art form
Friedrich Th. Vischer and German music criticism, 1848-1887
The impact of Hegelian philosophy on 19th-century music criticism. Music's status as an art form was distrusted in the context of German idealist philosophy which exerted an unparalleled influence on the entire nineteenth century. Hegel insisted that the content of a work of art should be grasped in concepts in order to establish its spiritual substantiality (Geistigkeit), and that no object, word or image could accurately represent the content and meaning of a musical work. In the mid-nineteenth...
Engels | 270 pagina's (PDF, 3,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
"Recevez ce mien petit labeur"
studies in Renaissance music in honour of Ignace Bossuyt
After a distinguished career of more than 35 years, Ignace Bossuyt retired as professor at the Musicology Department of the University of Leuven on October 1st 2007. As an internationally recognised leader in the field of later-16th-century music, Bossuyt consolidated the department's reputation as a centre of excellence in renaissance music studies. Articles in this volume deal with music from the period on which the dedicatee focussed his own research. Subjects discussed include newly discovered...
Engels | 312 pagina's (PDF, 6,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
What Is a cadence?
theoretical and analytical perspectives on cadences in the classical repertoire
The variety and complexity of cadence. The concept of closure is crucial to understanding music from the "classical" style. This volume focuses on the primary means of achieving closure in tonal music: the cadence. Written by leading North American and European scholars, the nine essays assembled in this volume seek to account for the great variety and complexity inherent in the cadence by approaching it from different (sub)disciplinary angles, including music-analytical, theoretical, historical,...
Engels | 320 pagina's (PDF, 9,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Paulo C. Chagas Unsayable music
six reflections on musical semiotics, electroacoustic and digital music
Profound theoretical and philosophical approach to contemporary music. Unsayable Music presents theoretical, critical and analytical reflections on key topics of contemporary music including acoustic, electroacoustic and digital music, and audiovisual and multimedia composition. Six essays by Paulo C. Chagas approaching music from different perspectives such as philosophy, sociology, cybernetics, musical semiotics, media, and critical studies. Chagas's practical experience, both as a composer of...
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF, 4,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Alessandro Cervino The practice of practising
The process of practising is intrinsic to musical creativity. Practising may primarily be thought of as technical, but it is often also musically meaningful, including elements of interpretation, improvisation, and/or composition. The practice room can be a space in which to explore a field of creative possibilities; a place to experiment and to refine ideas. To date, the literature on practice has been primarily pedagogical and psychological. Little attention is paid to the significance of practice,...
Engels | 92 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Orpheus Institute Artistic experimentation in music
an anthology
Essential reading for anyone interested in artistic research applied to music. This book is the first anthology of writings about the emerging subject of artistic experimentation in music. This subject, as part of the cross-disciplinary field of artistic research, cuts across boundaries of the conventional categories of performance practice, music analysis, aesthetics, and music pedagogy. The texts, most of them specially written for this volume, have a common genesis in the explorations of the Orpheus...
Engels | 416 pagina's (PDF, 5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Kadoc Loci sacri
understanding sacred places
Sacred places have long exercised a special fascination. Sacred places are not static entities but reveal a historical dynamic. They are the result of cultural developments and have varied multidimensional levels of significance. They are places where time is, as it were, suspended, and they are points where holy times and holy places meet. Sacred places are places apart. It is this specificity in the context of the Christian religions of the West that Loci Sacri wishes to unveil by bringing together...
Engels | 284 pagina's (PDF, 7,8 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Steven F. Joseph Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century
a bibliography and census; bibliography et recensement
First comprehensive and richly illustrated overview of historical Belgian photographic literature. The development of photography from its roots in 19th-century science gradually transformed book illustration and the dissemination of images. This fully bilingual reference work presents a first comprehensive survey of Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century, both of illustrated books and of technical publications. It makes a major contribution to academic study in the field, with a corpus...
Engels | Frans | 440 pagina's (PDF, 6,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Sémiotique et vécu musical
du sens à l’expérience, de l’expérience au sens
Nouvelles perspectives en sémiotique. Tout est musique, et la musique nous accompagne partout : ces lieux communs n'ont jamais été si vrais qu'aujourd'hui, au temps de l'arrosage musical continuel. Cette ubiquité, loin d'être simplement une mode, nous oblige à repenser sémiotiquement la fonction et le fonctionnement de la musique. Les essais composant Sémiotique et vécu musical montrent dans quelle direction se dirigent les recherches de nos jours. L'analyse de l'expérience musicale, par...
Frans | 196 pagina's (PDF, 1,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
William E. Caplin | James Heposki | James Webster Musical form, forms & Formenlehre
three methodological reflections
In Musical Form, Forms & Formenlehre: Three Methodological Reflections, three eminent music theorists consider the fundamentals of musical form. They discuss how to analyze form in music and question the relevance of analytical theories and methods in general. They illustrate their basic concepts and concerns by offering some concrete analyses of works by Mozart (Idomeneo Overture, Jupiter Symphony) and Beethoven (First Symphony, Pastoral Symphony, Egmont Overture, and Die Ruinen von Athen Overture)....
Duits | 180 pagina's (PDF, 3,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017