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Jon Klassen We found a hat
Twee schildpadden vinden samen een hoed. Het is een mooie hoed en hij staat hen allebei goed. Wat nu? De hoed laten liggen en er niet meer aan denken? Dat is best moeilijk… Prentenboek met eenvoudige, humoristische illustraties in sobere kleuren. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Engels | 50 pagina's | Walker books, London | 2016
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Naomi Alderman The power
Als vrouwen een orgaan ontwikkelen waarmee ze stroomstoten kunnen toedienen, nemen zij op wrede wijze de macht over van mannen.
Engels | 340 pagina's | Viking, an imprint of Penguin Books, [Londen] | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Kerri Maniscalco Stalking Jack the Ripper
Audrey Rose Wadworth en Thomas Creswell hebben in Londen in 1888 een gemeenschappelijke interesse: het oplossen van de 'White Chapel moorden'; dat ze ook goed met elkaar overweg kunnen is meegenomen.
Fictie | Detectiveroman | Historische roman
Engels | 392 pagina's | Grand Central Publishing, New York | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Arnold Bennett How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
With the advent of the modern corporate workplace in the twenty-first century, more and more people are toiling away behind desks, wearily clocking the standard forty-hour week. By 1910, writer Arnold Bennett had observed a worrying trend of exhausted wage earners whose waking hours revolved around their jobs and who had little time to spend on the business of actually living. Self-improvement was Bennett’s prescription for a speedy escape from the woes of the rat race. In his popular work How to...
Engels | 1 uur 19 minuten (60 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
August Strindberg The Red Room
Arvid Falk is a young and idealistic government worker who always wanted to be a poet. When a journalist writes a newspaper exposé based on Arvid’s stories about his useless government department, Arvid is fired immediately. Starting afresh he sets out to explore every corner of the Swedish society, and the hypocrisy and corruption he finds shocks him. Walking the streets of Stockholm will never be the same again once this novel gets under your skin. Named the first modern Swedish novel, ‘The Red...
Engels | 10 uur (449 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Arnold Bennett Tales of the Five Towns
At turns humorous, poignant, gripping, and occasionally tragic, this collection of short stories is peopled by a rich cast of characters. No one is all good or all bad in this volume, which includes “A Letter Home”, Bennett’s first short story. “Tales of the Five Towns” delves further into the lives of the residents of the fictional "Five Towns”, based on Bennett’s native Stoke-on-Trent, that Bennett also explores in novels like “Anna of the Five Towns” (1902) and "The Clayhanger Family” (1925)....
Engels | 5 uur 38 minuten (260 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jonathan Swift A Modest Proposal
In a time when poor Irish families struggled to feed their children, Jonathan Swift wrote an essay, which he published anonymously, making a few suggestions. He called it ‘A Modest Proposal’ (1729) or ‘A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen to their Parents, or the Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Publick.’ The solution was simple: Fatten up the undernourished children and sell them as food for the rich. Everybody wins! Though written in a...
Engels | 25 minuten (19 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
John Kendrick Bangs Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others
The supernatural is an everyday occurrence for John Kendrick Bangs, who just can’t avoid seeing ghosts everywhere! A witty, turn-of-the-century spoof of the gothic horror anthology, ”Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others" is a satisfyingly creepy and laugh-out-loud funny collection of ghostly encounters. John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922) was an American author, humorist and editor of “Life” and “Harper” magazines. Bangs is the creator of the modern Bangsian fantasy, which is the school of fantasy writing...
Engels | 3 uur 4 minuten (140 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brahma Khumaris Practical Guidelines For Meditation
Half lecture, half commentary: explore the concept of the self and the Supreme Being. In a simple form, understand the beauty of Raja Yoga meditation and how spiritual awareness is needed to link the self and God. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change.nnEstablished in 1937 it now carries out a wide range of educational programmes for the development of human and spiritual values throughout its 4000 branches...
Engels | 55 minuten (43 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
G. A. Henty The Dragon and the Raven
The vikings have invaded England. King Alfred and a young thane knight, Edmund, must fight to save his lands. Artfully blending fiction and the history of this volatile time in England, “The Dragon and the Raven” is an entertaining, romantic, and a fun adventure from G. A. Henty, whose stories were known for their historical accuracy. G. A. Henty (1832-1902) was an English novelist and war correspondent, best known for his historical adventure stories. His works include “The Dragon & The Raven”...
Engels | 7 uur 17 minuten (336 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anna Katharine Green That Affair Next Door
The dead body of a strange woman is found in an empty house next door to Amelia Butterworth, a single old lady with a formidable curiosity and lots of free time. When Detective Gryce gets on the case, he has a hard time persuading her to mind her own business, but soon Miss Butterworth’s female intuition and knack for interrogating witnesses through small talk proves invaluable to the investigation. In fact, she outsmarts all the professional men. ‘That Affair Next Door’ (1897) is Anna Katharine...
Engels | 11 uur 3 minuten (518 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2016
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Michelle Robinson Odd socks
De sokken Suki en Sosh vormen een dolverliefd echtpaar. Op een dag is Suki uit de lade verdwenen. Sosh gaat wanhopig naar haar op zoek. Prentenboek met sprankelende, kleurrijke illustraties en tekst op rijm. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Engels | 25 pagina's | Andersen Press, London | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Jimmy Nelson | Mark Blaisse Before they pass away
Foto's van volkeren van over de hele wereld die met hun cultuur dreigen te verdwijnen, met steeds eerst een korte beschrijving van het volk gevolgd door indrukwekkende foto's.
Engels | Duits | Frans | 423 pagina's | teNeues, Kempen | 2013
Gedrukt boek
Beatrix Potter The tale of Kitty-in-Boots
Poes Kitty sluipt elke nacht het huis van haar bazinnetje uit om op jacht te gaan. Maar er gaat van alles mis tijdens haar strooptochten. Dan ontmoet ze heer Vos. Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Fictie | Humoristische roman | Sprookjes
Engels | 69 pagina's | Frederick Warne, [London] | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Anna Chojnacka Kilimanjaro as medicine
Anna Chojnacka is thirty, married with two young children, and running a thriving company. She's living life to the fullest - until she's diagnosed with MS. While searching for a way to live her life without strong medication, she meets "The Iceman" Wim Hof. To gain strength, she takes his courses, exposing herself to extreme cold. Ultimately, she takes part in a climbing expedition he leads up Mount Kilimanjaro, which not only succeeds, but does so in record time. While she's completing this difficult...
Engels | 99 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | [Uitgever Onmisbaar], [Amsterdam] | 2022
Marie A. Rebelle Flight LU-365
The passengers of Flight LU-365 are all at different points on life's journey through love and lust when fate makes their paths cross and end in the desert of a quiet African country. The young couple, passionate and excited; the elderly pair, proving that love endures; the lesbian couple with their secret ready to share; a group of friends escaping for adventures in lust; the porn star, taking a break from her successful career; the married woman, confused and hurt from an a air; the young student...
Engels | 232 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Ariyana Arsala The secret to losing weight
with daily meal plans and a helpful portion indicator
Step by Step program to help you lose weight in a healthy way with daily menus for the whole month. You can vary yourself to make it more enjoyable.
Engels | 129 pagina's (ePub3, 11 MB) | Diëtistenpraktijk Samen Sterk, Vlissingen | 2020
Els van Steijn The fountain, find your place
control your life through insight into your family system
Do you encounter the same problems in your daily life, time and time again? Do you want to shake off a feeling that you just can't put your finger on? Do you often feel guilty or are you a people pleaser? Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship or is contact with your parents difficult? How can you learn to deal with this, so you can experience more calmness in your life? Stubborn patterns in your life can often be traced back to your family system, the inseverable connection you have with your...
Engels | ePub2, 1,4 MB | Het Noorderlicht, Avenhorn | 2020
Marga Vogel | Michelle Princenthal The marbles and the crown
Jewish wisdom in a fairy tale
Wise Tree sends Ruben and Rivka on a journey to search for a very special bottle and fill it with 10 unique marbles discovered along the way. These marbles are each collected on several small islands. The children are able to reach each of the islands by crossing a bridge, but only after they have spoken to the looking glass (their inner selves). Throughout their journey they are interrupted, misguided and challenged by Rara Rattlesnake (the evil inclination), who continuously is trying to lead them...
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | De Vrije Uitgevers, Amsterdam | 2018
Han Peeters Planet X
English edition
Planet X, a planet that is part of our solar system, circles in an orbit around our Sun and the star Nemesis. The Sun and its sister star are a great distance from each other. The orbital period of Planet X is 3600 years. One of the last times it passed our planet, it caused a worldwide flood as described in the Old Testament, where it is called Wormwood. Every culture in ancient times had another name for it. Regardless of what it is called, the planet is an instigator of evil as told in The Revelation...
Engels | 158 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | ClusterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2018