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Resultaat 221 - 240 (van 704)
Toon Tellegen Dierenverhalen
Twintig fantasievolle verhalen over een bijzondere dierensamenleving. Een combinatie van vertellen en muziek
Dierenleven | Verhalenbundel
Nederlands | 1 uur 13 minuten | Rubinstein, Amsterdam | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Thijs Bonger Tsjaikovski
Gevraagd naar een Russische componist zullen negen van de tien mensen antwoorden: Tsjaikovski. Hij leefde van 1840 tot 1893 en heeft een uitgebreid oeuvre nagelaten. Tsjaikovski voelde zich thuis in alle genres: symfonieën, soloconcerten, toneelmuziek, opera's, religieuze muziek, kamermuziek, pianomuziek en liederen. Maar verreweg het bekendst is hij geworden door zijn balletmuziek, zoals Het Zwanenmeer. Dat hij naast componist ook nog eens ambtenaar, recensent en leraar was, is minder bekend. Thijs...
Nederlands | 2 uur | Home Academy, Den Haag | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Thijs Bonger Mendelssohn
De bruiloftsmars uit A Midsummernight's Dream is waarschijnlijk het bekendste werk van Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Ook de openingsmaten van zijn vioolconcert zijn bij een groot publiek bekend. Maar waarom hoor je tegenwoordig zelden zijn prachtige koorwerken, pianostukken en kamermuziek? Mendelssohn werd bewonderd om zijn virtuoze pianospel en was net zo'n wonderkind als Mozart. In zijn korte leven bevond hij zich vaak in gezelschap van beroemdheden, waaronder Goethe, Weber en Heine. Thijs Bonger...
Nederlands | 2 uur | Home Academy, Den Haag | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Leo Samama Mozart
een hoorcollege over zijn leven en werk
Mozart geldt als één van de bekendste componisten uit de muziekgeschiedenis. Wereldwijd wordt nog altijd zijn werk uitgevoerd. Leo Samama geeft een compleet beeld van het leven en werk van Mozart; met aandacht voor zijn reizen, zijn belangrijkste composities en zijn leven. Maar ook over de invloed van Mozart op zijn tijdgenoten én componisten na hem, zoals Beethoven. Samama plaatst Mozart in de context van een veranderend Europa van de 18e eeuw. Hij illustreert zijn college met muziekvoorbeelden...
Nederlands | 4 uur | Home Academy, Den Haag | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare's Romeo & Julia
Toneelstuk over de tragische liefde tussen twee jonge mensen
Nederlands | 2 uur 30 minuten | Home Theater, Den Haag | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
William Shakespeare Hamlet
prins van Denemarken
Tragedie van de Engelse schrijver (1564-1616) over een Deense prins die de moord op zijn vader wil wreken
Nederlands | 3 uur | Home Theater, Den Haag | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jan Moraal Biels & Co
de radiostrip
Dagelijkse beslommeringen van baas August Biels (Ko van Dijk) en zijn werknemers op aannemersbedrijf Biels & Co
Nederlands | 11 uur | Rubinstein, Amsterdam | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Josse De Pauw Werk
Josse De Pauw in concert met Corrie van Binsbergen Band
Een combinatie van vertellen en muziek door de Vlaamse acteur, regisseur en schrijver (1952- ) en een muziekensemble onder leiding van Corrie van Binsbergen
Nederlands | 1 uur 8 minuten | Rubinstein, Amsterdam | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Danny White BRITNEY
Breaking Free
She has sold more than 150 million albums, wowed sell-out audiences around the globe and starred in iconic music videos but Britney Spears’ success has come at an almost unbearable price. As she enters her third decade in the spotlight, read the story of how a church-going girl from the Deep South became an objectified teenage sensation and the Princess of Pop. Go behind the scenes of Britney’s battle to free herself from her notorious conservatorship and the impact it has had on a highly talented...
Engels | 6 uur 40 minuten (290 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sam Bettens All I Am
After the release of their hit song 'Not an addict' in 1996, the Belgian band K' Choice started a wild ride along some of the world's biggest festivals. Being an unconventional band right from the start, they forged their own path in the music industry with Sam Bettens as their rebellious leader. But how much space for your true identity is there when you're standing in front of thousands of people? Sam Bettens has spent his entire life searching for who he is and how he was shaped that way. Is he...
Engels | 2 uur 44 minuten (392 MB) | Das Mag, Amsterdam | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
William Shakespeare Othello by Shakespeare, a Summary of the Play
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most performed ever. His work contains stunningly modern insight, witty jokes and soaring passion; it is an endless source of amazement and inspiration. We have selected for you the best quotes ever written by one of the greatest literary figures to have ever walked on earth, from Hamlet to Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet to the Tempest,...
Engels | 17 minuten (12 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2022
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Charmian Clift Mermaid Singing
In 1954 Australian writers Charmian Clift and George Johnston, with children in tow, left grey post-war London for Greece. Mermaid Singing details the culture shock and sheer delight of their first year on the tiny sponge-fishing island of Kalymnos. Clift paints an evocative picture of the characters and sun-drenched rhythms of traditional life, long before mass tourism descended. A travel writing classic, available for the first time in twenty years with a new introduction by Polly Samson. "Mermaid...
Engels | 8 uur 16 minuten (361 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeffrey Archer A Prison Diary I - Hell
Prisoner FF8282 gazes out from confinement on what he deems must be a glorious summer’s day, rays of sunlight bursting through the barred windows of his cell. Within the thick prison walls separating society from its dangerous criminals, a multitude of harrowing fates unfold, seldomly explored by the public. First-time offenders thrown in cells with hardened criminals, several inmates becoming heroin addicts and a system riddled with flaws. However, even in prison the sunlight cannot be kept out....
Engels | 7 uur 5 minuten (312 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeffrey Archer A Prison Diary III - Heaven
A flicker of light almost appears at the end of the tunnel for prisoner FF8282, as he is transferred to North Sea Camp near Boston, Lincolnshire, a D-category prison. Under a less strict regime, the prisoners can enjoy a more relaxed set of rules, while slowly preparing to someday rejoin the world outside the walls. However, a minor breach of conditions gets him sent off to the notorious HMP Lincoln facility for twenty-two days, where more traumatic experiences await. "Heaven" is the third book...
Engels | 9 uur 38 minuten (460 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeffrey Archer A Prison Diary II - Purgatory
Long days of boredom in confinement, the general inefficiency of prison bureaucracy and a critically over-stretched prison service. The tediousness of prison life kicks in for prisoner FF8282, also known as author Jeffrey Archer, in the second volume of his best-selling series The Prison Diaries. Still his fellow inmates show inspiring spirit and courage, amid an otherwise gloomy prison landscape, revealing that even in the darkest hours light can always be found. In 2001 August 9th, Jeffrey Archer...
Engels | 7 uur 27 minuten (340 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Wanda Beemsterboer Call You Right Back, Mum
"She did not call back. Nor will she, ever again. How I started loathing those two little words, never again." In a heartbeat everything can change. This is the gripping, true story of how a young woman was murdered and a family lost a daughter. Like most young girls her age Nadine lives a life filled with family, friends and thoughts about the future. At seventeen she meets Gerold and they fall in love. But a darkness gradually falls upon their relationship and after almost three years Nadine...
Engels | 7 uur 32 minuten (330 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2021
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anna Bridgwater Sister on Borrowed Time
In November 2005 a young woman, Margaret, dies of leukemia. In this moving and personal book Margaret’s sister, the journalist and writer Anna Bridgwater, tells about the years leading up to her death – about life as a young woman in Copenhagen, about family, love, heartache and calamities, and about the diagnosis that changed everything. Sister on Borrowed Time is a story about hope and about loving someone with cancer. It is a story about searching for a bone marrow donor in the attempt to cure...
Engels | 4 uur 44 minuten (222 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Marcelle Kellermann A Packhorse Called Rachel
A story of courage, fear, and defiance based on the author's own personal experience. "A Pack Horse Called Rachel" is the remarkable tale of a young woman, half Jewish, caught in the extraordinarily brutal world of 1944 France. Rachel moves through the pages of the book with her faithful dog Nourse, touching lives as her work with the Maquis based in the Auvergne takes her perilously close to danger on a day to day basis. The story is based on personal experience. The description of historical events...
Engels | 5 uur 23 minuten (239 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Eddie Rickenbacker Fighting the Flying Circus
"Fighting the Flying Circus" is fighter ace Eddie Rickenbacker WWI memoir. He fought in and eventually became commander of the 94th "Hat-in-the-Ring" Squadron, which ended the war with the highest number of air victories of any American squadron. The circus mentioned in the title refers to the German squadron commanded by the famous Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen. Eddie Rickenbacker (1890-1973) was an American World War I pilot. He was the most successful fighter ace in that war and received...
Engels | 10 uur (437 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sue Chambers A Magical Sense
Sue has been living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) since 1985. In this very personal audiobook, she explores how MS has affected her, physically and mentally, and provides valuable advice for others in the same position. Throughout the book, Sue's humour comes through making it a life affirming read. It is a must read for anyone affected by MS. A diagnosis of MS was the start of a journey for Sue. This book tells of that journey, from the initial shock of the diagnosis through the education process...
Engels | 5 uur 17 minuten (229 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)